In the early nineties Tierra Viviente Agricultura Organica began a major undertaking in the mountains of Michoacán, Mexico to address the organic markets for avocados, mangos, citrus, bananas, and papayas.
By 2008 Tierra Viviente initiated a collaboration with indigenous communities, help them re-establish their culture, tradition, and economy, through the production of organic native corn, 89 indigenous corn growers brought together over 400 Hectares of Organic Certified Native Corn. with the implementation of the organic program. Some of these growers have yielded three tons per hectare of a goal of 5 tons per hectare, in a production that is dry farmed.
Tierra Viviente’s main goal is to keep promoting Native and Organic Foods especially from Mexico, starting with organic native corn to honor the Purepecha people in order to continue to have an even better quality of life.
The people of Michoacán see their corn as a nature’s gift and so it survives in its pure form with all the nutritious that modern more profitable varieties lack. Our goal at Tierra Viviente is to preserve the diversity of native corn implementing precautionary policies to make sure transgenic contamination doesn’t touch our lands.
From a political standpoint, Mexico is also poised to impact the worldwide organic produce market in a very big way. In Mexico, the organic industry is so young that we are able to offer our experience and knowledge to help actively mold the legalities and regulatory environments to support rather than impede industry growth.